Well this is not my first blog post, by a long shot, but I definitely don’t blog as much as other teachers. It was something that I thought I’d start trying after viewing a session about student blogging at the (Computer Using Educators) CUE conference in Palm Springs back in 2013. At the time, my students and I had Google Apps for Education (GAFE) accounts, but Blogger was (and still is) blocked by our district. So, I decided on using Edublogs, and that’s how I ended up here. I’m not a “regular” blog reader – I’m often too busy to sit down and delve too deeply into too many blogs – but I do like to read Edutopia, Edudemic, and Catlin Tucker. One tech tool that I use to keep up with blogs is an app called Feedly. (It is also web-based, too.) All of my RSS feeds “dump” into Feedly, including those of my students, so I can keep up with recent posts a little more easily. I don’t really have too much advice to others (especially the new peeps!) except to just keep after it and build discipline. I got out of blogging regularly myself in the past 18 months because I was working on my Master’s degree; literally every free second I had was spent working on assignments for my own professors or grading my own students’ work and planning for our days. I am joining the #EdublogsClub to recommit to my own blogging, and I am hoping that it will help generate readers for my own students’ blogs. (Sorry I am late with this first post!)
Hi Jenny
Welcome to the Edublogs Club!
I notice you mentioned you are using Feedly to read your student blogs. I was wondering if you have used the Reader in the dashboard for reading and commenting on their posts? All posts from student blogs are automatically feed into your reader where you can all read them.
I know about the Reader. I am not always near my computer, though, and Feedly allows me to work from my phone or iPad for on-the-spot reading. 🙂
Thanks! Some of our teachers aren’t aware of the Reader so I was trying to work out if it was for that reason or a preference for using Feedly.
Feedly does have its benefits in terms of it pulls the full post which we can’t do in the Reader.